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BSc and MSc Students

Gustav Arvidsson
Office: A305
Main supervisor: David Busto

Samuel Eklund
Office: A305
Main supervisor: David Busto

Victor Kolato
Office: A201
Main supervisor: Anne-Lise Viotti

Mekan Merdanov
Office: A222
Main supervisor: Cord Arnold

Julia Strömberg
Office: A305
Main supervisor: David Busto

Hugo Söderberg
Office: A305
Main supervisor: Anne-Lise Viotti

Paulina Tatidis
Office: A209
Main supervisor: Akvilė Zabiliūtė-Karaliūnė




BSc - Bachelor's degree(kandidatexamen). A thesis of at least 15 ECTS credits must be included in the degree.

MSc - One Year Master degree (magisterexamen). A thesis of at least 15 ECTS credits must be included in the degree.

MSc - Two Years Master degree (masterexamen). A thesis of at least 30 ECTS credits must be included in the degree.

Students studying Master of Science in Engineering programmes are rewarded both the English Master of Science Degree, but also the Swedish equivalent "Teknologie masterexamen" and "Civilingenjör".