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The examination will be in two steps. To fulfil the requirements for the course, the students must have performed the laboratory and computer exercises, and presented their projects both orally and in written form. To receive a grade higher than 3 (LTH) or 'G 50%' (NFak), the students also need to perform the written examination. All project will be graded "not satisfactory" or on the scale between 0 and 6. These points will be added to the points on the written examination to calculate the final result on the course. The written exam can give maximum 30 points. The final grade is passed, if all compulsory obligations are fulfilled, and graded between 3-5 (LTH) or 'G' and 'VG' (NFak) depending on the sum of the points obtained from the written examination and the project. Please, note that points from the projects can only be added for the regular exam.

Rules for written examination:

You need to bring your ID to the examination. The dates for the examinations can be found in Time Edit.