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Laboratory exercises

There are 3 compulsory laboratory exercises: Optical interferometry, Fourier optics and Polarization optics, 3 x 4 hours. Specific rooms and times will be announced during the course.

Make sure you bring pen, notebook, LTH login, lab instructions and other necessary literature to the lab. It is also a good idea to bring a USB-stick. The laboratory exercises are made in groups of four. Make sure you have read carefully the instructions and are well prepared.

Signing up

The signing-up for the labs works digitally through the Live@Lund page of the course. The lab schedules will be published and open for sign-up about a week before the labs start.


It is very important to prepare well the laboratory exercises: read the instructions and do the preparation exercises. If you are not prepared you might not be allowed to do the lab.

It is often a good idea to bring a USB-stick to the laborational exercise.


To most laborations you must write a report which should be sent to the lab instructor. This report can have many shapes but some things must always be present such as results and discussion. More information about how you write a report can be found here:

Writing a laboratory report

If you use text or figures that you have not produced yourself it must be clear to the reader that it is not your text or figure and what the source is. If you do this without making clear that it is not your text or figure you are considered to be cheating.