Past events
Kulturnatten i Lund 2019 (Culture night in Lund)
This year, we were there at Kulturnatten i Lund again, as usual.
We showed how light can be dispersed into fundamental colors of light.
It is always fun to learn how light works, which is not so obvious sometimes.
International Day of Light 2019

- May 16th of 2019 was the International Day of Light
- To celebrate this, we have visited the International School of Lund - Katedralskolan (ISLK) and spent fun time doing optical experiments with middle year program students
- It was exciting for us too, and we hope to continue this regularly
Kulturnatten i Lund 2018
Hosting IONS Scandinavia 2018 with DTU!
Laserdome 2018!!!
- Since we like light and optics, we do laserdome
- in Spring 2018, we have done this again
- There will be many more to come occasionally but randomly, so don't forget to follow us on facebook or check bulletin boards sometimes if you want to join the next one
Video Competition

We would like to hold an open video competition with two categories; General Optics/Photonics (for a public audience) and Optics/Photonics Research (for an academic audience).
- The General Optics/Photonics video should be a 2-3 minute video which explains a particular optics or photonics theory or technology for a non-academic audience.
- The Optics/Photonics Research video should be a short 2-3 minute video which presents a current optics and photonics research project with a target academic audience.
The General Optics/Photonics video category is designed to be accessible to people of all ages and educational levels. This category is aimed at developing videos to increase the knowledge and spread interest in the fields of optics and photonics. Example topics could include; ‘Why the sky is blue’, ‘How rainbows are formed’ or ‘How light emitting diodes work’.
The Optics/Photonics Research video category is designed to present academic level research in an alternative medium to articles and theses. The category is aimed encouraging people to present research topics in a concise, dynamic and informative way.
The video should be:
- Original work
- 2-3 minutes in duration
- In English (or Swedish - General Optics/Photonics video only).
- Resolution of at least 1280x720 (720p HD) and it should be readable by VLC.
- Submitted either as an email attachment or Dropbox folder or other online drive with a shared link to
Deadline for entries:
23:59:59 ("GMT+1") on Thursday April 30th, 2015.
Winning Entrants:
The best video in each category will win a cash prize of 1000SEK and the runner-up in each categorywill win 500SEK.
Prize giving ceremony:
Week 20 2015. Location and exact date and time to be announced.
Official Rules can be found in the pdf (TERMS and CONDITIONS)
- We congratulate the optics community to TWO Nobel prizes 2014 (physics and chemistry)!
- New boards were elected for the SPIE and OSA student chapters 2015! The new boards will already now start helping out with grants and activities since several people of the board of 2014 have left Lund. The new boards are:
President: Karolina Dorozynska
Vice President: Isabel Gallardo
Secretary: Vishal Jain
Treasurer: Maité Louisy
President: Samuel Bengtsson
Vice President: Adam Nilsson
Secretary: Sandhra Valdma
T reasurer: Helene Coudert
We look forward to the international Year Of Light 2015!!
Lecture on Entrepreneurship and Venture Captial by Hans Landström
FREE pizza, laser games and quiz!
Talk by Professor Cristina Kurachi
2014-10-28: from Brazil about PDT - Photo Dynamic Therapy, laser treatment of cancer.
Greetings from SPIE Optics and Photonics in San Diego!
- Jenny represented the Lund University student chapter and attended the student chapter leadership workshop. Great weather and 210 students from 40 different countries countries to hang out with made the experience even better!
Laser Dome Challange
Around 30 students, PhD-students, post docs and professors (+ some extra random people) met up in Malmö for two thrilling games of Laser Dome.
The red team won once, the blue team also won once, the student chapter got 20 new members and everyone had fun.
Chapter meeting
"Nano-objects in strongly confined optical fields", lecture by Dr. Mario Agio
Wednesday, November 11, 2013, at 13:30 in K-space (Q179), Devision of Solid State Physics.
"Quantum memories, slowing down the speed of light, cancer detection and other uses for rare-earth-ion doped crystals", Professional lecture by Prof. Stefan Kröll
on Friday May 31, 2013.
"Student Poster Contest", April 25, 2013.
" Entrepreneurship and Venture Financing", Professional lecture by Prof. Hans Landström, Wednesday November 28, 2012.
Events 2012:
" Capturing the Fastest Dynamics in Materials using Ultrafast Coherent X-Rays ", Invited lecture by Prof. Margaret Murnane, Wednesday, November 21, 2012.
" Optical Spectroscopy in medicine", Professional lecture by Prof. Stefan Andersson-Engels, at 15:15 on Monday September 17, 2012.
"Ultrafast Laser and its applications", Lecture by Prof. Anne L'Huillier, Monday, May 14, 2012.
"Interdisciplinary research on the example of biomedical optics", Lecture by Prof. Katarina Svanberg, Monday, March 26,2012.
"Semiconductor Nanowires in Optoelectronics and Energy Applications", Professional Lecture by Prof. Lars Samuelson, Monday, Feb 20,2012.
"Applied laser spectroscopy - Perspectives on pursuing research", Professional Lecture by Prof. Sune Svanberg, Monday, Jan 30,2012.