Group Members
Senior Staff
Stefan Kröll

Professor, Group Leader
Research interests:
Quantum information and quantum optics in crystals doped with rare earth ions.
Brief professional biography:
From his PhD years in Lund under the supervision of Sune Svanberg, Stefan has a background on fundamental laser spectroscopy on free atoms. He also spent one year in Boulder, Colorado doing course work and undertaking a small project in the Lab of John Hall during his PhD years. During his postdoc years I worked in the group of Marcus Aldén in Lund with theory and modeling of non-linear optical processes. In particular this concerned the application of Coherent anti-Stokes Raman Spectroscopy for Combustion diagnostics. During a period as visiting scientist at SRI International in Menlo Park, CA, USA he worked with coherent light-matter interactions in rare earth ion doped crystals including both fundamental aspects and applications to optical storage and processing. This was an area which he continued to work in after returning to Sweden and Lund. Eventually he also became interested to investigate and explore the possibilities to use rare earth ion doped inorganic crystals for quantum information purposes and that has been a main focus since he became full professor at the Division of Atomic Physics in Lund in 1999. He now heads the Quantum Information Group.
Phone: +46 462229626
Fax: +46 462224250
Office: A227
Lars Rippe

University Lecturer
Phone: +46 462229620
Office: A228
Andreas Walther

2012-present: Researcher/Assistant Professor, Lund
2010-2012: Postdoc (Ion traps), Mainz University
His main research area is quantum optics and quantum information processing using rare-earth materials. In particular, his focus is on using a micro-cavity to enhance emissions from weak rare-earth emitters and to use this system as building block for scalable quantum information processing.
Phone: +46 462229625
Office: A227
Adam Kinos

2024-Present: Assistant Professor, Lund University
2023-2024: Research employee, Deep Light Vision AB
2018-2023: Post Doc, Lund University
2014-2018 : PhD student, Atomic Physics, Lund University
Phone: +46 46 2224877
Office: A229
PhD Students
David Gustavsson

2019- present: PhD student
Phone: +46 46 222 8370
Fax: +46 46 222 4250
Office: A209

2019- present: PhD student
2017-2018: MSc in Physics, University of Beni-Suef, Egypt
Phone: +46 46 222
Fax: +46 46 222 4250
Office: A303