Per Eng-Johnsson

Phone: +46 46 222 76 58
Office: A220
Per Eng-Johnsson completed his Master of Science in Engineering Physics at the Lund University in 2003 with a partly experimental Master’s project on femtosecond laser pulse shaping. After this glimpse on ultrafast experimental physics with lasers, he wanted more and decided to stay as a PhD student in the field. His PhD project involved the generation, characterization and application of attosecond pulses and resulted in 2006 in the PhD thesis ‘Attosecond Optical and Electronic Wave Packets’. The following two years he spent as a postdoctoral fellow with Marc Vrakking at the FOM Institute for Atomic and Molecular Physics in Amsterdam. There he broadened his repertoire with application of attosecond pulses to small molecules and started up an experimental free electron laser (FEL) program at FLASH, aiming at studying molecular dynamics through pump-probe experiments, using the Velocity Map Imaging technique. Following his postdoctoral period, in 2009 he acquired a position as a junior researcher at the Atomic Physics Division at Lund University, working on the application of attosecond and FEL pulses to study molecular dynamics. In 2013, he got a position as University Lecturer and his qualification as Associate Professor. Per Eng-Johnsson was promoted to Professor in 2019, and is now the group leader of the Intense XUV Attosecond Physics Group.