Pontus Svenmarker
PhD Student
Dept. of Physics, Lund University
E-mail: pontus.svenmarker@fysik.lth.se
Phone: +46-46-2223119
Office: A411
Pontus is working with model-based fluorescence imaging in scattering media. Applications include fluorescence tomography and imaging for example in mice.
Pontus received his MSc in Engineering Physics from Umeå University in 2007. For his final year he studied at Imperial College and was rewarded a MSc in Optics and Photonics in 2006. His master theses was conducted in the QOLS group within the Blackett Laboratory Laser Consortium at Imperial College. It involved designing and constructing a white-light interferometer for measuring the group delay dispersion of ultrafast optics such as chirped mirrors. In 2007 he joined the Biophotonics group as a PhD-student.