Johan Mauritsson

Phone: +46 46 222 76 54
Office: A219
Research interests
Include both experimental and theoretical work on: Intense laser–matter interaction; Strong field physics; Generation and application of attosecond pulses; Control of strong field processes using multi-color laser fields (XUV-visible or visible-visible), Free induction decay in the XUV
Johan Mauritsson completed his Master of Science in Physical Engineering at Lund University with the thesis Pulse Compression using Hollow Wave-Guides. He continued with graduate studies where he did experiments on both high order harmonic generation and relativistic plasma physics, which resulted in 2003 in the thesis Temporal Aspects of High-Intensity Laser - Matter Interaction. During his graduate studies, attosecond pulses had been generated and characterized and he wanted to continue in this field of research. He continued with postdoctoral studies (2004 - 2005) but changed gear slightly by joining the theory group of Ken Schafer at Louisiana State University, doing mainly theoretical calculations, solving the time-dependent Schrödinger equation for multi-colour laser fields. The main goal was to develop new attosecond applications and methods to calculate atomic parameters necessary for the experiments. Back in Lund he obtained a position as junior researcher in 2006 and continued doing both theory and experiments to advance attophysics further by improving the generation of attosecond pulses and develop novel applications. He obtained his qualification as Associate Professor in 2009 and position as university lecturer in 2010. In 2014 he was awarded Excellent Teaching Practitioner (ETP) and in 2017 he was promoted to Professor.