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Attosecond Science

The Lund Attosecond Science Center (LASC) is coordinated by Anne L'Huillier and combines several collaborating research groups.

The research areas of LASC are:

The aim of LASC is to study dynamics of matter with different attosecond light sources. These sources vary from intense XUV pulses (~µJ pulse energy) to high repetition rate attosecond pulses (~200 kHz), of interest for different applications. LASC has active collaborations with several groups both worldwide and at Lund University, for instance Mathieu Gisselbrecht and Anders Mikkelsen at the Department of Synchrotron Radiation Research, Lund University. LASC belongs to the Lund Laser Centre (LLC), Laserlab-Sweden and Laserlab-Europe.  

Fall 2024